Cullompton Baptist Church

Cullompton Baptist Church
Serving God and the Community

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Matthew 5:5(NIV)
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Minister: Rev. Glen Graham 01884 34077

Dear Friends,

Holy week reflection 2 of 3.

The betrayal of Jesus 2. Peter.

Read John 18: 25-27.

Judas reminded us that betrayal is a choice.

So did Peter betray Jesus? He certainly chose to deny Jesus but there were many factors in that choice.

Peter is an all or nothing kind of person which I relate to. He is prone to let his heart and mouth rule him and later his head catches up. When he speaks he genuine means it, so he would have ernestly believed he could drink the cup of suffering with his Lord.

Faced with reality however fear gets the better of him so the Fright, flight and fight mechanism kicks in. To survive, he simply cannot be identified with Jesus.

A crowing cock and a look from his master break open his heart to what he has really done. That look from the Lord I am sure was a look of disappointment mixed with unfailing love. In the end, Peter betrayed himself.

When we mess up, we don't just let God down but ourselves. Yet, when Jesus looks at us, there is only unfailing love in his eyes and on his heart.

Loving Lord. Whenever we are afraid, you have promised to be with us. Thank you that when we mess up, you forgive us and don't stop loving us. We once again put our lives in to your safe keeping.


Rev. Glen Graham.

Cullompton Baptist Church
High Street, Cullompton, Devon, EX15 1AB


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